About this resource

Representation of a Still


Property Description Type
crc32 Gets the CRC32 checksum of this additional file. int32
creationMode Gets the creation mode of the still. string (values: none, sequence, single, chapter, scenedetection)
extension Gets the file extension of the additional file. string
fileName Gets the file name of the additional file. string
fileSize Gets the file size of the additional file. int64
id Gets the identifier for this additional file. guid
isManual Returns true if this additional has been added manually. false is returned if the additional file was created automatically. boolean
label Gets the label of the additional file. string
metadata Gets the metadata. This property will not be returned by default. In order to include the property in the response, add a header with the name 'select-still' and the value 'Metadata' to your request. Dictionary of pairs with string keys and string values
offset Gets the offset of the still. double
preview The preview of the still. This property will not be returned by default. In order to include the property in the response, add a header with the name 'select-additionalfile' and the value 'Preview' to your request. string
purposes Gets the purposes of the additional file. Can be filtered by adding a header with the name 'select-filter-purposes' and the (comma separated) string as the value. Collection of string items
tag Gets the tag of the additional file. This property will not be returned by default. In order to include the property in the response, add a header with the name 'select-still' and the value 'Tag' to your request. string
timeStamp Gets the timestamp of the still. double
type Gets the type of this additional file. Can be filtered by adding a header with the name 'select-additionalfile-type' and the (comma separated) string as the value. string (values: additionalfile, originalrendition, crop, trim, still, spinset, threedimensional, subtitle, external, custom)
uri Returns a path to image or if no image is assigned. This URL remains valid for four hours. This property will not be returned by default. In order to include the property in the response, add a header with the name 'select-additionalfile' and the value 'Uri' to your request. string
usages Gets the usages of the additional file Can be filtered by adding a header with the name 'select-additionalfile-usage' and the (comma separated) string as the value. Collection of string items


Method Name Select-key Resource type Description
GET self Provides a link to this resource.
GET publiclink select-Still: publiclink PublicLink Gets the public link for the additional file
GET mainpreview select-Still: mainpreview Image Gets the image preview for the additional file
GET filepreviews select-Still: filepreviews AdditionalFilePreviewCollection Gets the list of previews for the additional file

See also