About this resource

Representation of a shareable download link order.


Property Description Type
createdOn Gets the creation datetime in UTC time. datetime
creatorEmail E-mail address for this job. string
deliveredFiles Gets a list of files delivered which is delivered by the order to the client. Collection of string items
disableNotification Value indicating whether or not notification is enabled on this job. boolean
earliestStartDate The earliest date in utc time on which this job can be executed. datetime
emailBody The body of the mail. string
emailRecipients The recipients to send the mail to. Collection of string items
executionTime Gets the time it took for this maintenance job to execute. timespan
failedTargetsCount Gets the count of the failed targets. int32
id Gets the Id of this maintenance job. guid
message Gets the error message that describes why this maintenance job failed. Returns null if this maintenance job hasn't been executed yet. string
orderType Gets the type of the order. string
priority Gets or sets the priority of this maintenance job. string (values: high, medium, auditarchiving, buildsearchindex)
sendEmail True if the mail should be sent to the recipients. boolean
sharedDownloadLinkId The id of the shared download link. guid
shareUri The shareable link. string
startedOn Gets the time on which the execution of this maintenance job started in utc time. datetime
status Gets the status of this maintenance job. string (values: pending, success, failed, partiallyfailed, executing, cancelled, scheduled, queued, asyncpending, asyncexecuting)
totalFileSize Total file size of the delivered files. int64
type Gets the name of this maintenance job. string


Method Name Select-key Resource type Description
GET self Provides a link to this resource.
GET targets select-ShareDownloadLinkOrder: targets OrderTargetCollection Gets a collection of all the targets to be processed by this job.
GET createdby select-ShareDownloadLinkOrder: createdby User Gets or sets the user that created this resource.