About this resource

The HomeResource is the root of the API.


Method Name Select-key Resource type Description
GET self Provides a link to this resource.
GET supportedversions select-Home: supportedversions VersionCollection The list of supported API versions.
GET records RecordPagedCollection Enumerates all records in the system.
GET classifications ClassificationPagedCollection Enumerates all classifications in the system.
GET contenttypes ContentTypePagedCollection Enumerates all content types in the system.
GET collections CollectionPagedCollection Enumerates all collections in the system.
GET fielddefinitions FieldDefinitionPagedCollection Enumerates all field definitions in the system.
GET fieldgroups FieldGroupPagedCollection Enumerates all field groups in the system.
GET filetypes FileTypePagedCollection Enumerates all file types in the system.
GET usergroups UserGroupPagedCollection Enumerates all user groups in the system.
GET languages LanguagePagedCollection Enumerates all languages in the system.
GET permissions PermissionPagedCollection Enumerates all permissions in the system.
GET watermarks WatermarkPagedCollection Enumerates all watermarks in the system.
GET settings SettingCollection Enumerates all settings in the system.
GET settingdefinitions SettingDefinitionPagedCollection Enumerates all setting definitions in the system.
GET settingcategories SettingCategoryPagedCollection Enumerates all setting categories in the system.
GET rules RulePagedCollection Enumerates all rules in the system.
GET downloadagreements DownloadAgreementPagedCollection Enumerates all download agreements in the system.
GET docs Documentation.
GET authentication Authentication endpoint.
GET translations TranslationPagedCollection Enumerates all translations in the system.
GET imageoverlays ImageOverlayCollection Enumerates all image overlays in the system.