About this resource

Representation of the definition of a ClassificationListField


Property Description Type
acceptMultipleOptions Indicates if multiple value selection is allowed. boolean
createdOn Created on the specified date in UTC time. datetime
dataType Gets the data type of this field. string (values: none, singlelinetext, multilinetext, numeric, datetime, date, time, optionlist, duration, userlist, usergrouplist, html, json, classificationlist, recordlist, recordlink, languagelist, textlist, richcontent, hyperlinklist)
defaultSelectionDisplayMode Gets the classification display mode that is set as default in the selection dialog. string (values: search, browse)
defaultValue Gets the default value of this field. string
enabledLanguages Enabled languages. Collection of guid items
filter Gets the filter of this field. string
helpText Gets the help text of this field. string
helpTexts A collection of HelpText items. HelpTextCollection
id Gets the identifier for this field. guid
indexed Gets the indicator if searching on this field is enabled. boolean
inlineStyle Gets a inline css style for this field. string
isReadOnly Indicates whether this field is read only. boolean
isRequired Indicates whether this field is required. boolean
isUniqueIdentifier Indicates whether this field is a unique identifier. boolean
label Gets the label of this field. string
labels A collection of Label items. LabelCollection
languageMode Gets the language mode of the field. string (values: single, multiple)
linkRecordToSelectedClassifications Indicates if the field is synchronized with the linked classifications of a record. It can't be changed once field definition is created. boolean
memberships Gets the memberships of a field. Collection of guid items
modifiedOn Modified on the specified date in UTC time. datetime
name Gets the name for this field. string
resetToDefaultFields Gets the fields that trigger this field to be reset back to its default value. This is only used if "ResetToDefaultTriggers" is set to "OnFieldChange". Collection of guid items
resetToDefaultTriggers Gets 'reset to default triggers' value of this field. Collection of string items (values: none, onnewfield, onload, onsave, onanyfilechange, onreclassifyrecord, onanychange, onfieldchange, onmasterfilechange, oncurrentfilechange, onfielddefinitionchanged, onduplicaterecord, onrecordstatuschange)
restrictValuesToLeafNodes Indicates whether only the lowest level values should be used for this field. boolean
rootId Gets the Id of the classification that is set as root for this field. If no root is specified it returns an empty guid. guid
scope Gets the scope. string (values: recordcontentglobal, recordcontentclassdependent, recordcontentfloating, classificationprofileclassdependent, userglobal, filefiletypedependent, filefloating, indexertaskglobal, fileglobal, classificationprofilefloating, recordcontentcontenttypedependent)
scopeCategory Gets the scope category. string (values: record, file, classification, user, indexertask, metadatatemplate)
searchIndexRebuildRequired Gets the indicator if a search index rebuild is required. boolean
sortIndex Gets the sorting index of this field. int32
storageMode Gets the storage mode of this field. string (values: none, nonemptyvalues, allvalues, logchanges)
tag Gets a tag for this field containing extra information. This property will not be returned by default. In order to include the property in the response, add a header with the name 'select-classificationlistfielddefinition' and the value 'Tag' to your request. string
validation Gets the validation of this field. string
validationErrorMessage Gets the error message of this field. string
validationTrigger Gets the validation trtigger of this field. string (values: none, whenneeded, always)


Method Name Select-key Resource type Description
GET self Provides a link to this resource.
GET createdby select-ClassificationListFieldDefinition: createdby User Gets or sets the user that created this field definition.
GET modifiedby select-ClassificationListFieldDefinition: modifiedby User Gets or sets the user that last modified this field definition.