acceptMultipleOptions |
Indicates if multiple value selection is allowed. |
boolean |
createdOn |
Created on the specified date in UTC time. |
datetime |
dataType |
Gets the data type of this field. |
string (values: none, singlelinetext, multilinetext, numeric, datetime, date, time, optionlist, duration, userlist, usergrouplist, html, json, classificationlist, recordlist, recordlink, languagelist, textlist, richcontent, hyperlinklist) |
defaultSelectionDisplayMode |
Gets the classification display mode that is set as default in the selection dialog. |
string (values: search, browse) |
defaultValue |
Gets the default value of this field. |
string |
enabledLanguages |
Enabled languages. |
Collection of guid items |
filter |
Gets the filter of this field. |
string |
helpText |
Gets the help text of this field. |
string |
helpTexts |
A collection of HelpText items. |
HelpTextCollection |
id |
Gets the identifier for this field. |
guid |
indexed |
Gets the indicator if searching on this field is enabled. |
boolean |
inlineStyle |
Gets a inline css style for this field. |
string |
isReadOnly |
Indicates whether this field is read only. |
boolean |
isRequired |
Indicates whether this field is required. |
boolean |
isUniqueIdentifier |
Indicates whether this field is a unique identifier. |
boolean |
label |
Gets the label of this field. |
string |
labels |
A collection of Label items. |
LabelCollection |
languageMode |
Gets the language mode of the field. |
string (values: single, multiple) |
linkRecordToSelectedClassifications |
Indicates if the field is synchronized with the linked classifications of a record.
It can't be changed once field definition is created. |
boolean |
memberships |
Gets the memberships of a field. |
Collection of guid items |
modifiedOn |
Modified on the specified date in UTC time. |
datetime |
name |
Gets the name for this field. |
string |
resetToDefaultFields |
Gets the fields that trigger this field to be reset back to its default value.
This is only used if "ResetToDefaultTriggers" is set to "OnFieldChange". |
Collection of guid items |
resetToDefaultTriggers |
Gets 'reset to default triggers' value of this field. |
Collection of string items (values: none, onnewfield, onload, onsave, onanyfilechange, onreclassifyrecord, onanychange, onfieldchange, onmasterfilechange, oncurrentfilechange, onfielddefinitionchanged, onduplicaterecord, onrecordstatuschange) |
restrictValuesToLeafNodes |
Indicates whether only the lowest level values should be used for this field. |
boolean |
rootId |
Gets the Id of the classification that is set as root for this field. If no root is specified it returns an empty guid. |
guid |
scope |
Gets the scope. |
string (values: recordcontentglobal, recordcontentclassdependent, recordcontentfloating, classificationprofileclassdependent, userglobal, filefiletypedependent, filefloating, indexertaskglobal, fileglobal, classificationprofilefloating, recordcontentcontenttypedependent) |
scopeCategory |
Gets the scope category. |
string (values: record, file, classification, user, indexertask, metadatatemplate) |
searchIndexRebuildRequired |
Gets the indicator if a search index rebuild is required. |
boolean |
sortIndex |
Gets the sorting index of this field. |
int32 |
storageMode |
Gets the storage mode of this field. |
string (values: none, nonemptyvalues, allvalues, logchanges) |
tag |
Gets a tag for this field containing extra information. This property will not be returned by default. In order to include the property in the response, add a header with the name 'select-classificationlistfielddefinition' and the value 'Tag' to your request. |
string |
validation |
Gets the validation of this field. |
string |
validationErrorMessage |
Gets the error message of this field. |
string |
validationTrigger |
Gets the validation trtigger of this field. |
string (values: none, whenneeded, always) |