About this resource
Audit Resouce
Property | Description | Type |
changeCount | Provides Total number of Changes. | int32 |
changes | Provides Array of Changes. | jarray |
createdOn | Get Created Date. | datetime |
id | Get Entry Id of an Audit. | int64 |
objectId | Get Object Id of Audit. | guid |
userId | Get User Id. | guid |
Reading the list of changes of an audit trail event
GET /record/55C030F3-185A-4437-B01C-ABDB001F1FA9/trail/entry/3 HTTP/1.1 accept: application/hal+json
{ "id": 3, "objectId": "55c030f3185a4437b01cabdb001f1fa9", "userId": "fa286193ddbf44299d2ea2390e2a8b99", "createdOn": "2020-06-15T10:47:39.173Z", "changeCount": 2, "changes": [ { "type": "fileChanged", "fileId": "e0bbc57d-6670-45ed-bd0b-abdb001f6c85", "sortIndex": "1", "versionType": "versionChanged", "versionId": "0db90841-4071-4cda-ab3c-abdb001f6c85", "extension": "jpg", "fileCreatedOn": "2020-06-15T09:54:22.897+08:00", "fileModifiedOn": "2020-06-15T09:54:23.307+08:00", "fileName": "cute-cartoon-penguin-on-white-background-royalty-free-cliparts-cartoon-penguin-1143_1300.jpg", "fileSize": "72328", "fileState": "Processing", "fileTypeId": "f3aebdba-9958-494c-8e14-322941a1b66a", "path": { "@attributes": { "source": "missing" }, "#value": null }, "versionNumber": "1" }, { "type": "fileChanged", "fileId": "c7c37927-7163-410c-bc56-abdb001f8d3d", "sortIndex": "2", "versionType": "versionChanged", "versionId": "2b981af7-104c-46c7-a01b-abdb001f8d3d", "extension": "png", "fileCreatedOn": "2020-06-15T09:54:44.187+08:00", "fileModifiedOn": "2020-06-15T09:54:45.937+08:00", "fileName": "png-files-2.png", "fileSize": "322794", "fileState": "Processing", "fileTypeId": "ffa438fd-75c6-4880-a962-8f2e68e66b7a", "path": { "@attributes": { "source": "missing" }, "#value": null }, "versionNumber": "1" } ] }Reading the list of changes of an audit trail event after creating a copy(duplicate)
GET /record/9DBCFB32-5280-49D7-9E1F-AF8D00B68021/trail/entry/256 HTTP/1.1 accept: application/hal+json
{ "id": 256, "objectId": "dbf4cd9f886e412b9799af9000a293ba", "userId": "98c01138110445281215afb8cd61d3bc", "createdOn": "2023-01-20T09:51:57.52", "changeCount": 4, "changes": [ { "type": "copiedFromContentItem", "copiedFromRecordId": "5621645fd5214727b9e9af9000a27844" }, { "type": "classificationAdded", "classificationId": "a1edd72b-498d-4a29-a3cf-af4801356fed", "id": "376a6fd1-2e49-4eab-97a8-af9000a293ba", "createdOn": "2023-01-20T09:51:36.99+00:00" }, { "type": "contentTypeAdded", "contentType": "Asset", "previousContentType": "" }, { "type": "statusChanged", "status": "Draft" } ] }